Week Eight was another busy one with people crawling all over our house! Monday was super exciting as the crane came in to put the beam in the ceiling so the house won't fall down when we knock the walls out upstairs. Unfortunately, they kicked us out in case the house did fall down, so we didn't get to see it in action.
Our pretty door handle went on our french doors in our luxurious bedroom and the insulation was put in in preparation for the plasterers who made a very messy start on the walls and ceiling. The house is starting to look like a house!
Outside things were also ramping up with the pretty parts added to the carport and the painting of the exterior of the house beginning!
The crane arrives! |
Bedroom luxury |
Insulation in the rumpus |
Plasterboard! |
Em and Lara admiring the pretties on the carport |
House prepped for painting |
One side painted already! |
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