Saturday, 16 November 2013

Week Nine - The Walls Come Tumbling Down

 This was a very exciting week for me.  Not only did the outside of the house continue to be painted, but the walls upstairs were removed too.  The renovations downstairs have been great, but because it's not a space we used, it's not such a big change for us.  Upstairs though, is where we live and we are used to how it feels so with the walls being removed, it's totally changed the look and feel of the living spaces, and how we will use it.  It has also let in so much light which I am loving as I hate having to turn lights on in the day.

With the painters hard at work, we decided to join in the fun and paint Lara's toy high chair.  Just the base coat as the moment, we will add splashes of colour later.  Of course, Lara thought the paintbrush was similar to a hair brush and helpfully brushed my hair....

Joining in with painting fun

Pretties were added to our carport

Painting started on the front of the house

Asbestos walls

Our window wall over the stairs

Alex checking out the new dining room - a bit grumpy that the play room had to go

Our lounge - before

Our lounge - after.  So much space!

1 comment:

  1. Asbestos walls - in the sense that they were not Asbestos, right?
